
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Family Research Council "Dumps" UPS

Once upon a time, I blogged about UPS updating their donation guidelines to target organizations that reflect their core values. This essentially makes the Boy Scouts of America ineligible to receive future financial aid from UPS, due to their anti-gay position.

Well, apparently, the Family Research Council has decided to "dump" UPS over this decision. Oddly, the FRC believes that keeping gays away from the BSA keeps the children "safe." I guess they aren't aware of the BSA's many alleged molestation cover-ups. Either way, does anyone actually care about the FRC's latest hissy fit? Or should we just advise them to call the waaaaaaaambulance? Sorry y'all, but I highly doubt that UPS is going to be reeling in financial shock from this decision.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mayan Apocalypse: 2012

Well, it looks like we're all still here.


Guess that means I'm not off the hook for my student loan debt. D'oh.

On the bright side, it's the only debt that I really have.

Time to plan more shenanigans and tomfoolery before the next semester begins!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Newtown, CT: An Addendum

As an addendum to my previous post about Emilie Parker, I wanted to mention that The United Way of Western Connecticut has created the Sandy Hook School Support Fund to provide support services to the families and community that has been affected. CNN has also posted a great article providing links to various resources for families, victims, and anyone who may have been affected by the tragedy.

Finally, Yahoo posted a really emotional article with background information on each of the victims of the shooting. Personally, I feel that it's "more" worth reading than the majority of the articles being posted on this tragedy simply because it focuses on the victims rather than the coward shooter.

I want to thank everyone who found my blog by searching for information on the shooting in Newtown, CT. My last blog post about Emilie received so many hits; I hope that I was able to generate some additional traffic for her memorial page, and that in doing so I have assisted her family in some way.

My heart truly aches for the children who will never return home to their families, and for the adults who courageously gave their lives trying to defend their students.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Emilie Parker: A Young Victim of the Newtown, CT Massacre

I'm working on a larger blog regarding the events that took place earlier today in Newtown, CT. However, I believe that this beautiful little girl deserves her very own blog post.

My wife went to school with Emilie's parents, Alyssa and Robbie. At some point, they moved to CT and settled down with their young family, which consisted of three beautiful little girls. The oldest, Emilie, was a student at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Unfortunately, Emilie is among the victims of today's shooting. This sweet little girl will never come home to her parents, thanks to the actions of one pathetic coward.

In Utah, KSL News will be covering this story on 12/14/12 at 10:00 p.m. Friends of Alyssa and Robbie have set up an account with America First Credit Union and are asking for any donations in order to assist the family in their time of need. The account number for donations is 9056862. A Facebook page (Emilie Parker Fund) has also been created to share information and condolences for the family.

I can't imagine being a parent and having my children in this situation. We plan on donating to the fund, and I encourage everyone else to do the same, if you are financially able to do so. As I'm writing this- at almost 10:00 p.m. MST- Alyssa and Robbie are still waiting to identify their beloved daughter's body. Nothing will bring their little girl back, but maybe we can show them that their family is being kept in our hearts during this difficult, troubling time.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Aware" Businesses Help Families of Children with Autism

If you have any kind of experience with children on the autism spectrum, then you know that sometimes the "simple" things in life can become quite the challenge. Enjoying a meal at a restaurant can present its own unique challenges for an individual diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). For example, a bustling restaurant environment can prove to be very overstimulating and bewildering; an individual with an ASD may also require special assistance when ordering their food.

Fortunately, there are some restaurant owners who recognize the difficulties that these individuals face and are willing to go the extra mile to make things a little more comfortable for them.

The article linked above also features a video report.

I think it's great that some people are willing to step up and work a little harder in order to promote an inclusive environment. Kudos! Maybe this will become the start of a new trend in the restaurant industry?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fair Trade Coffee

These days, I'm sure that you've heard a lot about "fair trade" coffee. The term has become more common and is something that many coffee lovers are paying attention to when they select their coffee products. What are we paying attention to, though? What exactly does "fair trade" mean?

To begin with, there's no "university accepted" definition of "fair trade." Instead, fair trade labeling organizations rely on a definition supplied by FINE, an informal association of four international fair trade networks: Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), Network of European Worldshops, and European Fair Trade Association (EFTA). According to their definition, the term "fair trade" refers to:

1. a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency, and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade.
2. contributing to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers- especially in the South.
3. organizations, backed by consumers, that are actively engaged in supporting producers, in raising awareness, and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade.

The term "fair trade" can also be applied to many other commodities, such as cocoa and textiles. Prior to fair trade, prices were regulated by the International Coffee Organization according to the regulations set forth by the International Coffee Agreement of 1962. This agreement set limits on the amount of coffee traded between countries so there would be no excess supply, and consequently a drop in price. The agreement has been modified several times since its creation.

So, what does it mean when modern day coffee vendors are advertising their product as being fair trade certified? The fair trade movement promotes sustainability, which has become more important to consumers over the last decade. It's also important to note that the majority of coffee producers/farm owners are located in developing nations; their products are bought and sold on a relatively volatile market. The fair trade movement also seeks to improve the financial health and profitability of these small producers and farm owners. In other words, buying coffee that is fair trade certified means that you are making a conscious decision to support sustainability and promote the financial well-being of those who produce the coffee beans.

Green Mountain Coffee is one company that is working to make a real difference in the world of fair trade coffee. Their products are carefully selected and cultivated in order to bring you the best possible flavors. Even better, they share their success with the rest of the world, by working hard to better their own communities. That cup of coffee tastes much better when you know that the farmers who grew those coffee beans received a fair price for their labor.

Since I'm a BzzAgent, I was able to sample some of Green Mountain Coffee's products. They were so good that I went out and purchased additional products. One of my personal favorites is their Wild Mountain Blueberry blend. Green Mountain Coffee is also available in K-Cups, for those of you who happen to own a Keurig (or similar device).

My friends and family really enjoyed Green Mountain Coffee. I think the only product that we didn't care for was the iced coffee. Trust me, there is more to iced coffee than simply pouring hot coffee over ice. Otherwise, I enjoyed each and every product that I sampled, and I've definitely converted a few friends as well. I highly recommend Green Mountain Coffee to my fellow coffee lovers: their products provide an ethical way to enjoy something that we all love. Namely, great coffee.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Diversity of Brown

So, I found out on Monday that UPS plans to halt its donations to the Boy Scouts of America. The reason? They don't agree with the BSA's "anti-gay" policy. Apparently, a petition had a lot to do with Intel and UPS pulling their donations from the BSA. Still, it's a nice gesture. I can say that UPS is a very diverse company and that their corporate culture is very accepting, based on my own experiences.

I'm sure that people are going to have a fit over this, but just remember- you can't force people to agree with you. If these companies aren't supportive of your beliefs, then they are under no obligation to donate money to your organization.

I really wish that the BSA wouldn't exclude people based on their sexual preference. Really, it has nothing to do with being a "good person" or a "good role model." I find it ironic that so many people defended the BSA, stating that they were just trying to protect young boys from perverts. No offense, but y'all are doing a great job without recruiting "perverted" homosexuals.

Maybe someday the BSA will wake up and allow everyone to participate in their organization, regardless of their sexual orientation.

***Edit: After reading this post again, I realized that I wasn't very clear in my explanation. To be fair, UPS isn't specifically pulling their donations from the BSA. Rather, they have committed to only donating to organizations that share their core values, such as diversity. Since the BSA is homophobic, they will not be eligible to receive donations from UPS.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Concessions and Victories

If you happened to miss it, you can watch Mitt Romney's concession speech right here. Short, sweet, and to the point. I find it kind of funny that he didn't prepare a concession speech beforehand, just in case. Wouldn't you want to be prepared for any scenario, especially when running for President of the United States?

Well, at any rate, you can also watch Obama's victory speech below.

President Obama's speech is just a little bit longer... (ha)

You know, I have to say this: I've been really disappointed by some of the reactions I've seen from Romney supporters. A lot of them have been posting some really negative, immature crap on various social media sites. You know what? Obama won. Romney lost. End of story. You can either wallow in negativity and whine about the "coming apocalypse", or you can stand up and work to create a better America. The president is just ONE MAN. You don't need to agree with him in order to work for your country. If you truly care about America, then quit your whining and STEP UP. Make a difference in the world; your delusional social media rants are neither profound nor inspiring.

I don't agree with Obama 100%, but you know what? I think he'll do just fine. I'm going to be optimistic and send President Obama some good vibes. I'm also going to keep working with my partner to create a better life for our family.

Tomorrow is a new day, and we can always make a difference.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Barack Obama: Re-Elected

America has spoken: Obama will be serving a second term as President of the United States of America.

Regardless of your political affiliation(s), it's time to come together and work even harder to improve our country and move forward.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cher Wants YOU... to Vote!

This video was pretty funny. Women, take note!

It's CHER, damn it!

I Voted.

I participated in the early voting program last week. Casting my vote was bittersweet, but satisfying nonetheless. I know that an obscene number of people in this state will vote for Romney because he shares two common traits with them: he’s a Republican and a Mormon. It’s a shame, because anyone who bothers to research the issues can see what the Romney/Ryan platform is built on: inherently flawed “logic”, numbers that do not add up, and enough flip-flopping to make your head spin. Is Obama perfect? Nope. Not by any means. When compared to the Romney/Ryan ticket, however, Obama is the best option we have. A vote for Romney/Ryan is a vote for the “legitimate rape” of America.

I may not always agree with the Democrats, but I do know that my family will have more opportunities for equal treatment with a Democrat in power. Mitt Romney has gone on record saying some pretty ignorant, hateful things about the LGBT community. He's vowed to do everything in his power as president to revoke our rights and tear our families apart. I refuse to be treated as a second-class citizen when I contribute just as much, if not more, to society than my peers. I refuse to have my children believe that they anything less than regular

Almost everyone seems to feel very strongly about this election. Whatever your beliefs, I encourage you to get out there and vote today. Your vote will always make a difference, no matter what anyone else may tell you. It's your right and privilege to vote, so get out there and let your voice be heard!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Second Debate Between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

If you happened to miss the second election debate of 2012, which aired on 10/16/12, you're in luck- the entire thing is available for your viewing pleasure on YouTube.

I'll have some more in-depth commentary about this one, but for now I'll just say that Obama was the clear victor here. Unlike the first debate, Obama did a great job catching Romney in all of his lies.

Democrats: 2. Republicans: 1.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Grown-Ups Killed His Kitty

I know that sounds strange, but I'm serious. Grown-ups killed this little boy's cat. The resulting letter, dictated by the boy, Rayden, to his father, has gone viral.

I understand that we're all human and that errors occur, but wow... what a terrible mistake to make. I feel awful for the little boy, but also for the staff member whose carelessness resulted in the cat's untimely death. That would be a terrible thing to live with, at least for me.

Organization and attention to detail(s) are vital in this line of work.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Get Unreal

So, as I've said in previous posts, I'm a BzzAgent. Occasionally, I'm given the opportunity to try products for free (or at a discounted price) in exchange for providing my honest feedback. Recently, I was given the opportunity to try a new line of candy, Unreal. The name is a bit ironic because the ingredients for these products are actually real. That is, if you were to read the list of ingredients on the wrapper, you would recognize each ingredient. Unreal candy products don't contain corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oil, artificial ingredients, GMOs, preservatives, AND they can boast a low glycemic index. When compared to similar products- for example, you can view this comparison between Unreal 5 and Milky Way- Unreal's products tend to have fewer calories and more of the "good stuff", such as protein and fiber.

Of course, the most important question is, how do Unreal's candy products taste? A lot of "all natural" offerings tend to be lacking in the flavor department. I'm very happy to report that I've tried all of the Unreal candies that are currently on the market and I've enjoyed each and every one of them. My favorites are the Unreal 5 and the Unreal 8, which could be compared to a Milky Way and a Snickers, respectively. The only thing I really noticed about the Unreal candies was the difference in texture (compared to other candy products on the market, such as M&M's and Snickers). The texture is a little more firm and not quite as "gooey." For example, when you bite into a Milky Way, the result is a gooey mess of caramel and nougat; when you bite into an Unreal 5, it's not quite as "gooey", but the flavor is still there.

Overall, I highly recommend the Unreal candies. They won't break your bank (they only cost about twenty cents more than many other candy products) and they deliver a lot of flavor without the "junk" ingredients found in their competitors' products.

So, get un-junked. Get Unreal. It's a healthier way to satisfy a sweet craving.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ann Coulter Gets Pwned by Whoopi Goldberg

So, Ann Coulter still exists, and for some reason she has this bizarre notion that speaking is a good idea. She's even barfed up written a new book, Mugged, in which she spends more time spewing inaccurate facts and pointing fingers in the endless(ly stupid) war between "liberals" and "conservatives." If you want an idea of the book's premise, Coulter argues that civil rights "only belong to blacks" because the U.S. "has a legacy of slavery."

As you can probably imagine, it only took a few sentences to spark the ire of Whoopi Goldberg when she visited "The View" on Thursday. I had to applaud Whoopi when she asked Coulter, point-blank, what she knew about "being black." Coulter proceeds to get flustered and the lulz ensue.

Coulter has certainly made some bat-shit crazy interesting statements, lately. During a round table discussion on "This Week", she stated that civil rights are for blacks - not gays, Latinos, or women. So, what she's trying to say is that suffering and injustice are prerequisites for civil rights; something must be owed to one group by another. Even if we run with her bizarre definition of civil rights, it would seem that Coulter has a flimsy understanding of American history (in which immigrants have suffered various injustices) and almost no understanding of the daily struggles faced by and injustices inflicted upon other minority groups.

Seriously, can someone just advise this woman that speaking is not a good activity for her?

EDIT: I forgot to mention something else. It's interesting that Coulter believes Republicans to be more sympathetic towards "blacks." Because Republicans always treat them with respect.

Yep, nothing bad happened at the 2012 RNC.

Nothing at all.

Havoc T. Wolf Does Gangnam Style

Havoc T. Wolf happens to be the mascot for my alma mater, Loyola University New Orleans. Glad to see that the big, bad wolf has a sense of humor!

Also, Loyola > Tulane. Just sayin'.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Gangnam Style

So. This. This is apparently a thing, now.

All I can say is, I'd love to bust out with this at the local lesbian bar.

Friday, September 21, 2012

An Update on Northstar

Happily, Northstar appears to be recovering. Although Northstar had developed some infection, the doctors have been able to keep it under control. Northstar is now receiving specialized care at The Ohio State University. Thanks to a website created by Jess Lybrook, founder of the Erie Animal Network, strangers from around the world have been able to donate money towards Northstar's care. Approximately $10,000 has been gathered so far. If you were curious, transportation for Northstar's journey to The Ohio State University was also donated by Tim Girtin, a trainer at Presque Isle Downs & Casino in Erie, Pa.

Incredibly, Northstar seems to bear no ill will towards humans. In fact, his spirits seem to remain high despite the pain that he must be enduring.

If you would like to help Northstar, you can visit You can also donate to the "Donations for Northstar" account at any PNC Bank branch. Finally, if you have any information about this case, please contact the Pennsylvania State Police at (814) 663-2043 or toll-free at (800) 922-1975.

Apologies for the lack of a picture to accompany this post. However, if you'd like to see a video of a vet checking up on Northstar, you can do so here (WICU12 video).

Lindsay Lohan: Remember When...?

Remember, back in the day, when Lindsay Lohan wasn't crazy?

Yeah, I know, it's hard to remember that far back.

She showed so much promise as a young Disney star. Hell, I really enjoyed the remake of The Parent Trap. This girl seemingly had it all, despite her family's chaotic history. So why is she just throwing it all away these days?

Her latest escapade involves a hit-and-run in New York City. Ironically, this happened just days after Lohan tweeted her opinion of the Amanda Bynes situation. Karma, maybe?

It just bugs me to see these "stars" behaving badly. You know, some people spend their lives working hard for everything they have. They aren't paid millions for each job, either. If you're fortunate enough to be set for life, financially, then you ought to show a bit more class and behave more responsibly.

Some people's children...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Leaked Romney Videos

Seems like Mitt Romney just keeps running into obstacles... and by "obstacles" I mean his own damn stupidity. The latest drama involves leaked videos in which Romney dismisses Obama supporters as people who feel entitled to handouts. Look, I'm not an Obama supporter by any means, but this is just ridiculous. Generalizing an entire group of people as individuals who lack the ability to take personal responsibility for their lives is a weak, desperately low blow. It's also a blow that may have cost Romney even more votes, though, so in the end... I'm totally okay with it. Run your mouth all you want, douchebag... At this point, I'd gladly take Obama over you.

Oh, and of course, Romney is standing by his remarks. Not "elegantly stated?" Romney, hon... you never state your case in an eloquent manner. It's just embarrassing to listen to you speak. 
I think this may call for a blog that takes a closer look at "Obamacare." Just for the hell of it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Test That Predicts Autism?

Apparently, scientists in Australia have developed a genetic test to predict autism. Now, because I'm not an overly negative person, let me say this: I can see a positive side to this. If diagnosed early in life, intervention can greatly reduce the impact of behavioral and cognitive deficits on the child's life.

Of course, there's also the giant, glaring elephant in the room: the parents would have the option to abort a baby that is diagnosed with autism.

Naturally, there are people on both sides of the fence. Personally, I'm still ON the fence. My biggest concern is that tests like these will lead to the abortion of many babies with autism, simply because the parents don't want to put the time and effort into their child. Being diagnosed with autism does mean that the road will be more difficult, but it's not a death sentence. In fact, there are many who would view their autism as a blessing, a gift in disguise.

Either way, it's something to think about.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ellen Reads Fifty Shades of Grey

Don't you just hate it when life gets busy and you have so little time to blog and do FUN things? Yeah, me too. So, in the meantime, you can have a video! I have to say, I'd probably buy the book on tape if Ellen actually DID perform it. Hilarity.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Animal cruelty is a disgusting act committed by pathetic, cowardly individuals. A few days ago, I read about an act of cruelty that just made me feel terrible. A six-year-old horse named Northstar was intentionally doused with a flammable liquid and set on fire in PA. According to his owners, Northstar is like a family member; they have raised him since he was a baby and he has never done anything to cause harm to anyone. They're baffled as to who would target Northstar or why they would commit such a cruel, violent act.

Miraculously, Northstar is fighting to survive. His owner found him and responded to his cries- not the usual whinnies for a treat or some affection, but the cries of an animal in absolute agony. Northstar's face had been burned to the bone; his eyelashes, nostril hairs, and the hair in his ears was also gone.
Although a local veterinarian is treating Northstar with antibiotics and painkillers, he has only been given a 50-50 chance at survival. There is a chance that an infection could occur, which puts the odds somewhat against his favor. However, as you can see in the picture above, Northstar is standing. With horses, that tends to be a good sign. I'll continue to blog about Northstar whenever I can find an update.

What's even more upsetting about this incident is that Pennsylvania has some of the worst animal cruelty laws in the country. In PA, no matter how terrible the crime may be, there are no provisions for first time offenders for animal neglect or cruelty offenses. Additionally, veterinarians aren’t required to report animal cruelty. In fact, Pennsylvania's laws do very little to encourage the fight against animal cruelty: the state does not mandate counseling offenders nor do they require that animal shelters be reimbursed for the costs of feeding, housing, and caring for seized animals.

Now, if you're wondering about the absolute best/worst states as far as animal cruelty is concerned, it may interest you to know that Illinois has held the honor of having the best animal cruelty laws in the nation for the last four years. Kentucky is on the opposite end of that list, having the weakest animal protection laws in the nation. Hey, Turtleman, think you can do anything about that? Sounds like Kentucky's critters are in need of some live action!

If you want to help Northstar's family with the astronomical veterinary bills they've incurred, you can donate to the Northstar Fund in care of:

Marley Veterinary Clinic
11416 Hydetown Road
Titusville, PA 16354

You can also go to any PNC Bank and make a donation under "Donations for Northstar."

If you have any information regarding this crime, please call the Pennsylvania State Police at (814) 663-2043 or (800) 922-1975.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Seven Years

It's been seven years since Hurricane Katrina. Every year, around this time, I start to feel anxious. Some part of me seems to be reliving the entire catastrophe: the lack of sleep, confusion, anxiety, and depression, among other things. I feel as though there's something I ought to be doing or someone that I need to call. I guess these are the lingering effects of a life-changing event.

New Orleans: "proud to crawl home." The city has a way of seeping into you. It can be ugly, it can be beautiful, but it never ceases to be fascinating. The city becomes a part of you, a quiet hum that wraps itself around your heart and keeps time with each step.

I love my hometown and I can't stop thinking about it today, especially since Isaac decided to show up. Hurricanes and all, I'd rather be there than here.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Horse Piss"

A friend of mine recently posed the following question on Facebook: what crazy misconceptions or lies did you believe as a kid (or heck, up until recently)?

Her question reminded me of something that I sincerely believed as a child. When I was very little, I remember asking my dad about beer. His usual response was that beer was "horse piss." Being very young, and taking his words literally, I spent several years of my childhood believing that beer was literally horse piss.

As you can imagine, I conjured up some strange mental pictures when I imagined the whole process of "making" and bottling beer.

In reality, there is an actual horse piss beer.

On a side note, I wouldn't recommend using Google to search for humorous "horse piss" images. The results were anything but humorous. I think my eyes are going to melt.

Thanks for the bizarre childhood tales, dad.

Friday, August 24, 2012

...In Which Farrah Abraham Tries To Sing

I've been quiet for the past week. My apologies; things were a little hectic and my body decided that I should be absolutely exhausted, just to complicate things. I have some fun posts to finish up this weekend. In the meantime, enjoy this music video from Teen Mom's Farrah Abraham. Yep, that's right... Farrah has decided to try her hand at singing. She wrote and produced a soundtrack to accompany her book release. Now, I haven't read the book just yet, but apparently it's earned a spot on the New York Times bestseller list.

Her album, on the other hand... well, I don't think that will be winning any awards. Not unless they present her with an award for truly awful music. Seriously, it's just Farrah "singing" over a bunch of synthesized garble. If nothing else, at least it's funny for a minute or so... until your eye begins to twitch and you can feel your brain cells dying.

The music scene just ain't for you, hon.

Friday, August 17, 2012

More Romney Lulz

Mitt Romney is honest and just bursting with integrity... or so his wife, Ann Romney, says. Beyond paying their taxes, they also donate 10% of their income to charity. Oh, Ann... you and Mitt so cray cray. Hon, it's not a "charitable donation" - it's called tithing, and it's something required by the LDS church if you wish to remain a member in good standing. Of course, since Mitt's religious background could have a negative impact with the voters, I guess they're trying to downplay it. Too bad they suck at lying. Really, with all of the lying they do, you'd think they would be better at it.

As I said, tithing isn't a charitable donation - it's required in order to be in "good standing" with the LDS church. A full tithe is 10% of a Mormon's gross income. That includes ALL income - employment, medicare, social security, unemployment, and all those dollar bills stashed in your g-string. To make matters worse, members are expected to meet one-on-one with their bishop each year just to disclose their tithing habits. You can bet that meeting gets all kinds of awkward if it's discovered that you're not paying a full tithe.

So what happens if you don't tithe? Well, to put it simply: you're screwed. If you're not paying a full 10% tithe, you lose your Temple Recommend. Without that, you can't enter the Temple and you're in serious jeopardy of losing your "Celestial blessings." Seriously, if you can't enter the Temple, you're pretty much banned from traditional Mormon wedding. Worse, you won't be able to enter the "Celestial Kingdom" once you're dead.

If you're still wondering just how seriously the Mormons view their tithing habits, consider this quote: "If a destitute family is faced with the decision of paying their tithing or eating, they should pay their tithing." Thank you, Lynn Robbins (General Conference of 2005).

The LDS church earns approximately $7 billion a year from tithing. That can buy a lot of shopping malls.

Come on, Mitt. Be real. You're not donating to "charity." The LDS church can hardly be considered a charity. I haven't seen any other "charities" working so hard to deny civil rights to specific groups (coughProposition8cough).

I just... ugh. There are no words.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

50 Shades of Lame

This just might be one of the best literary (and I use the term loosely) reviews that I've ever read. I haven't read 50 Shades of Grey, but I have the feeling that I'm not missing out on much, except for some very humorous dialogue and general awkwardness. Maybe someday, I'll be bored enough to check it out, at least for the comedic value. For now, this review is enough. Even if you like 50 Shades of Grey, you'll probably get a good laugh out of this review. Genius.

Check it out.

Do it. I dare you.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jim Henson Walks Away from Chick-Fil-A

Ms. Piggy loves her some gays.

I'm happy to hear that the Jim Henson Company supports diversity and inclusiveness. I'm also impressed with them for standing up and putting their money where their mouth is.

Yes, Chick-Fil-A has a right to say whatever they want. Yes, most of us have been aware of their donations for quite some time. I'm actually not angry with Chick-Fil-A. Rather, I'm angry because the CFO's ignorant comments have reminded me of what I really loathe about Christianity: cherry picking. I'm working on a much longer blog that will elaborate on this, but the short version is this: I'm sick of people cherry picking their values from a book that a vast majority of them have never even read. There are passages in the Bible that endorse rape, stoning rape victims to death, and slavery, to name a few. Now, I guess our society has "progressed" to the point where most Christians happily overlook these parts of the Bible. So, why can't they re-evaluate their outdated views on homosexuality? You can't use the Bible to justify your beliefs on homosexuality unless you're also going to follow every other commandment and "value" set forth in the Bible.

I guess some folks just can't live without that self-righteous feeling...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hope's New Owners Reflect

Very nice video update on Hope.

Why? Why not. It's always nice to share some good news.

I'm so happy that Hope's story has a happy ending. Now, if only we could find the sick people that tortured her, that would really make my day.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

R.I.P Sally Ride

Sally Ride passed away today. I'm sure that many people know Sally Ride as the first female U.S. astronaut in space. Not many people were aware that she was also a lesbian. She and her partner, Tam O'Shaughnessy were together for 27 years. It was only in Sally's obituary that their relationship was made public. On a side note, Sally's nephew, Bear, identifies as a gay man.

I wish that she had lived in a time where her relationship with Tam could have received more acceptance. Homosexuals are just like everyone else: they work, they have relationships, they form family units, and damn it, they can also go into space. How cool is that? I'm sure that a lot of young gay kids can benefit from Sally's example.

Thank you, Sally, for giving us another positive role model in our community.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Family of Eric Kisly Wants Understanding for Asperger's

You can read the original article here.

This is a sad story on many different levels. There is an assumption that those with Asperger's, or those on the high-functioning end of the spectrum, need less assistance with everyday things. That's simply not true. Take this article, for example. It points out that Eric was the ideal employee: he was focused, honest, and hard-working. So why couldn't he find a job? Because he lacked many of the social skills that others tend to take for granted. Unfortunately, in our society, the interview process isn't based solely on an individual's qualifications. A lot of "small talk" and social cues are involved in the hiring process. Unless someone has a fair understanding of these social aspects of the interview process, their chances of finding employment are slim.

When they do find employment, these individuals still face daily struggles: socializing with co-workers, getting along with their boss, dealing with customers, and adapting their routines to the organizational demands of a corporate environment, to name a few.

Although early intervention can be important, I feel that it's equally important to educate adults about Asperger's and autism spectrum disorders. The co-worker that keeps to himself, never making eye contact? He's not necessarily aloof; he may want to initiate contact but lack the social skills required to do so.

What a sad story. Eric was young, smart, and showed a lot of promise. I really hope that we can create a better world, one in which people can look past their first impressions.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Why Do I Care So Much?

I've been asked on several occasions why animal rescue is so important to me. I get the feeling that there are some people who are so upset by animal cruelty that they would rather look away and pretend it isn't happening. Unfortunately, it IS happening; it's all around us. I recently came across a story that really touched my heart. I want to share this story as a way of explaining why I care so much and why I aspire to do more work as an "animal rescuer." Take a few minutes to read
Kingston's story.

Sarcoptic mange. Dehydration. Malnutrition. Heartworm. An emaciated body with swollen, badly infected skin. And yet, the most appalling part of this story is that Kingston had been abandoned in a huge apartment complex by his previous owners. When the animal rescuers showed up and tried to locate Kingston, everyone they asked knew about him. And yet, out of all the residents in this large apartment complex, not one person had ever shown him any kindness. Nobody offered him any food or water, nor did anyone call a local shelter or animal control officer. A visiting healthcare worker is the only one that tried to help him, offering him food and water before they called for help. When the rescuers found him and called out to him, Kingston was so excited that he tried to make his way over to them.

He collapsed before he ever reached them.

It was a 45 minute ride to the nearest veterinarian. During the ride, Kingston tried to eat and drink. Mostly, he cuddled with the rescuer who was sitting with him. Finally, someone was showing him some kindness. He was loved.

Unfortunately, he only knew that love for one day. After struggling to survive all those months, Kingston passed away while under the care of his rescuers.

"All who walked away from Kingston played a part in his neglect."

I feel like Kingston had struggled for so long because he hoped that one day, someone might love him. Someone might pet him, feed him, and play with him. In the care of his rescuer, he was at peace enough to let go of his suffering. I wish that he could have known more love in his life. He deserved more than one day. At the same time, I'm so grateful for the rescuers that loved him and tried to save him.

This is why I care. This is why I do what I do. Animals like Kingston didn't ask to be born. They certainly didn't ask to be abandoned and left to die alone. From the moment they're born, they have the right to live a happy life. They deserve a place in a family and a place to call home. Whether I can provide an animal with one day of love and happiness or a lifetime, I just want to make a difference.

And I want to make sure that beautiful, loving dogs like Kingston are never forgotten. Their legacy deserves to live on through the lives that I can change.

Friday, July 13, 2012

An Update on Hope

A picture is worth a thousand words.

According to The Examiner, Hope's recovery has been amazing. She's defied all odds and managed to survive. Even more amazing is the support that Hope has received. Hope has received donations from as far away as London! Her medicals bills have been paid and she's well on the way to being adopted. Last I heard, they are still offering a reward for any information leading to the individual that tortured Hope. Check out the article above for contact information.

I really love this picture. Hope has a look of pure contentment on her face. You can't tell me that you don't see the love in that picture. I'll blog about Hope if I can locate any additional information in the future. Hope, you're a beautiful dog and you deserve a loving home! I'm so happy that her story didn't end in tragedy. Hopefully, we'll have a happy ending in the form of justice for Hope.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hope: The Texas Dog

This article contains graphic pictures.

A dog was found on a Texas roadside. Clearly, she had been tortured; she had long gashes over her body and, even more disgusting, someone had yanked her tongue out of her mouth before wrapping electrical tape around her muzzle. She was unable to pant or drink for days. The veterinarians who worked on her were afraid they would have to amputate her tongue; it had swollen to a grotesque size.

Happily, this dog (who was given the name "Hope" by her rescuers) is recovering nicely. She's able to eat and drink by herself. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery and a one-way ticket to a deserving "forever home."

However, the sick individual that tortured Hope is still on the loose. The article that I linked to at the beginning of this post contains contact information for the Parker County Sheriff's Office. You can also contact a specific individual if you'd like to contribute to the reward that is being offered for any information leading to an arrest.

Enough is enough! This beautiful dog deserves justice. I wish there were stronger consequences for animal cruelty.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

R.I.P. Lennox

Despite an international petition to save his life, Lennox the dog was euthanized on 07/11/12.

What really hit my heart was that the council rejected his owner's request to be present when he was euthanized. Instead, his owner will receive Lennox's ashes by mail. Lennox died alone. His owner wasn't even permitted to be there, to comfort him in his last moments alive. How messed up is that? Sounds like a cowardly, petty decision by the government.

The whole "war against pitbulls" just sickens me. It seems as though humanity selects a new breed to harass every decade or so. In the 1990s, when I was younger, I remember everyone focusing on rottweilers and how "violent" they were. Oddly enough, I have never met an aggressive rottweiler. These days, the focus is on pitbulls. Why? A dog isn't born with violence in its blood. A dog is shaped by its environment and upbringing, just like a person. Singling out pitbulls is the canine equivalent of racial profiling.


I'm so sorry, Lennox. You didn't deserve this.

For more of his story, you can visit the Save Lennox Campaign Blog.

Christians, Y U Not At Least Original?

Okay, I know there are probably some more examples that I'm too tired to think of, but I saw this over on Failbook and just had to share. As someone who is fascinated by world religions, I think it's interesting to see how various religions essentially believe the same thing (but word their beliefs differently). It's also interesting to see how religions have evolved over time, often borrowing concepts from previous religions. ...And, just because it's driving me crazy, I'd like to point out that whoever created this image has confused Horus with Osiris.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Chihuahua Named Hope

This story made my heart very sad.

A woman was camping when she heard screaming and went to investigate. The screaming was coming from a little chihuahua that had been thrown into a fire pit. Her owners (or at least, the people who had brought her there) were standing there, watching her while she suffered. How anyone could actually watch this, let alone enjoy it, is beyond me.

The little chihuahua was rescued and brought to the vet, who treated her and referred her to a local animal rescue for ongoing care. They named her "Hope." They genuinely believed that she could recover, be adopted into a loving home, and live a rich life with a family that deserved her. For several weeks, Hope was medicated for pain and taken for daily visits to the veterinarian. Her bandages had to be changed frequently, and she had possibly lost her vision in one eye.

Unfortunately, on July 4th, Hope lost her battle. I suspect that the strain may have been too much for her little heart. She passed away and is no longer suffering. However, the story has resonated with me, creeping around in the corners of my mind. This story bothers me because Hope deserves justice. All life is precious, and anyone sick enough to do this to Hope may become a repeat offender.

Hope was a beautiful little chihuahua- black and tan, just as I'd like to own someday. She deserved to be loved, she deserved to be part of a family that would love her and protect her. Instead, she was the victim of cruelty and paid the ultimate price for some monster's sick form of entertainment. Even more unsettling, the people who committed this crime are still out there. True Hearts Rescue is currently offering a $1,000.00 reward for any information leading them to Hope's tormentors. If you're reading this and you happen to know something, please contact them. Hope deserves justice. She deserved so much more, but that was cruelly taken from her.

While these stories sadden me greatly, I know that I have to get used to seeing these cases. If I'm able to start a rescue center, I know that I'll see many victims of cruelty. There will probably be times when I have to take a moment and just cry. I look at our boys and I can't understand how anyone could hurt them. They love us unconditionally, and so many people just take advantage of that. If I can make a difference in the life of a victim, then that's worth having to see the darker side of humanity. Now, with the images of a bandaged, suffering Hope still fresh in my mind, I feel more determined than ever to do something for these victims.

I'm grateful that Hope was able to spend her last weeks with foster parents who truly cared for her. Hopefully she knew that she was loved. She deserved that, and so much more.

I'm sorry, Hope. Not all humans are like this. For you, and for all of the other victims, I will strive to create my own animal rescue center in the not-too-distant future.

Family Reunion 2012

Recently, my girl and I traveled to Cedar City, UT for the Hatch family reunion. Although I was a little nervous to meet the other side of the family (I'm more acquainted with her mom's side), I was also pretty excited. I had never been to a family reunion before; I had only seen them on television sitcoms, so I really wasn't sure what to expect.

Good times were had by all, though. It was hot as hell, but we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless. I had a lot of fun meeting more of the extended family and they were all really nice and welcoming. We even played games together! In fact, my girl is playing horseshoes in the above picture. I love that I caught her throw in mid-air... the horseshoe is all Matrix-y in this shot.

Since I come from a fairly small family, it's nice that my partner has a much larger family. It's even better that I seem to belong in her family. Honestly, after my last relationship, I wanted my partner to have a good family. It means a lot to me that I'm included in the family activities and gatherings.

Oh, and we even got t-shirts for this reunion. Score!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obamacare: The World is Ending!

...At least, that's what some of the Republicans on Facebook and various news sites were claiming. Comments ranged from people passionately declaring that America is "officially dead" to those who were in a panic and anxious to return home and examine their food storage/guns. I wish I was lying about that last part. I mean, really?

Romney has also declared a "war" on Obamacare, passionately stating that he will work to repeal it if elected.

Amidst all this finger-pointing and tantrum-throwing, people are overlooking a very basic, very obvious fact: Obamacare is pretty much the younger brother of Romneycare. Yes, there was a Romneycare, implemented in MA by none other than Mitt Romney. Now, the last time I checked, MA was still on the map. The state has not been sucked into a giant sinkhole, nor have the gods unleashed the titans on its citizens. The sky is not falling.

If anyone would like to see a side-by-side comparison of Romneycare and Obamacare, check out this PDF file. It breaks down the main components in a clean and simple manner.

Remember, everyone: keep calm and sing "soft kitty." Life goes on. America isn't "dead." The melodrama was funny for the first five minutes, but now it's just ridiculous. Let's move forward and focus on bigger issues.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Beef: Jason David Frank

I still think it's funny that the Green Ranger grew up to become a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter.

Seriously, he went from this:

To this:

A serious student of the martial arts, he teamed up with a friend and bought his first dojo when he turned eighteen. He developed his own style, Tose Kune Do ("way of the fighting fists"), and is apparently doing pretty well in the world of MMA.

Like any other 90's kid, I watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. At least, up to the point where Amy Jo Johnson left the series. Heh. But I digress.

After a long hiatus, I'm finally getting back into the weightlifting scene. I'd love to practice martial arts just for fun (and exercise). I'm adding Jason David Frank to my list of "beefing inspirations." You know, the people I think of when I'm dying on the treadmill or struggling with my last set on a particular weight machine.

BEEF: It's what's for dinner, y'all.

(I want my arms to look this awesome when I grow up. Yes, I'm 29. Shut up.)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My 29th Birthday

I turned 29 on June 6th. I don't feel any older. In fact, I have to keep reminding myself to type "29" instead of "28" when I'm completing surveys or filling out forms. A lot of people seem to freak out about turning 30, but I'm not sure what the big deal is. It's a milestone, yes, but not a negative one. Growing old is a privilege. If you've made it that far- congratulations! Growing older does have its disadvantages, but I like to look at the positive side of things.

Whenever I celebrate a birthday, I always take some time to reflect on my personal goals. Have I achieved any of them within the past year? Do I have any new goals? Am I on track where my goals are concerned? These are my reflections for 2012:

The Past: I'm free of any financial burdens I may have had. I do have student loans, but they are a necessary evil and will be dealt with accordingly.

The Present: Currently, I'm trying to be more selfish. I have a tendency to bend over backwards for everyone at the expense of my own interests and goals. I need to realize that it's okay to be selfish sometimes.

I'm getting ready to enroll for the Fall 2012 semester at UMASS Lowell. Fingers crossed that I get the classes I need in order to obtain my BIA certification. I'm really hoping that they can get this new Master's program online by the time I complete my graduate certificate program. I'd like to shift my Master's concentration to the psychological issues associated with autism spectrum disorders. I feel that it would be a better fit for me, and that it would better enable me to reach my professional goals. Ideally, I would like to design curriculum and materials for students with autism spectrum disorders.

I'm managing my finances very well. I'm slowly building up my savings account and emergency fund. I'm also setting money aside that I can later invest in various stocks. My 401(k) was recently diversified and is performing admirably. I've been with my company for almost six years; I was vested at five. That's all I really wanted from this place, although my current position is providing me with a lot of tools and resources to further develop my professional abilities. A lot of the systems that I'm mastering right now are systems that I will probably use in my later career, so that's a big plus.

I'm getting better at maintaining some semblance of a social life while keeping my focus on school and family. Honestly, I'm not going to get out much once the new semester begins, and I'm okay with that. This is the way I see it: I can sacrifice now and reap the benefits in a few years, or I can live it up right now and be in the exact same position in a few years. I'd rather make progress.

I've become a lot pickier about the people that I hang out with. Honestly, I don't want to be involved in drama and I don't want anyone dragging any trace of negativity into my life. If someone exhibits these traits, then I just walk away. I would rather surround myself with positive, supportive people. Negative people consume way too much of my time and energy. They also have a negative impact on my own sense of well-being.

Generally speaking, I'm happier and more optimistic when the people I surround myself with share these same traits.

The Future: Right now, we're planning to move once my partner gets her degree in the Culinary Arts. I'm ready to move now, honestly, but I really want my partner to get that degree. My only fear about trying to move right now is that some of her credits may not transfer, or that she may not be able to afford an out of state tuition (not because we're poor, but because we'll both have to find new jobs and juggle our moving expenses at the same time). So for now, unless anything changes, we'll move when she graduates. There are some people in Utah that I will miss, but all in all I'm looking forward to being closer to my friends and experiencing something new at the same time.

We're thinking about taking some big steps in our relationship next year, and we'd like our family to participate in these events, so it may be best to remain in Utah for the time being. Family is important, and I don't want to prevent them from being involved in the biggest changes of our life together. That aside, our family seems to support our decision to move. I'm sure that my parents understand why I want to raise my children in the south.

You know, I have a pretty awesome life. It has its ups and downs, but it's never boring and it just keeps better. So, here's to my 29th year on this planet- may it be just as epic as all the years that came before it!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jury Acquits Couple in "Caged Kids" Trial

This makes me sick. Sad, too. But mostly sick.

Apparently, the jury felt that the couple was justified in locking John Eckhart's two autistic sons in a room secured with a cage-like door. Why? Because the couple was acting out of concern for the boys' safety.

Raising children with autism is very "inconvenient" indeed.

Re-Posting from Autistic Speaks

Because this blog is very well written.

A lot of the things the author mentions in this post really describe some of my own feelings. I'm fortunate to have some very good friends in my life, people who have been by my side for well over a decade. They love me unconditionally, in spite of my flaws, and I return the sentiment wholeheartedly.

Sometimes, getting to the point where I can feel comfortable and forge a meaningful relationship with someone is the real obstacle. Especially in Utah, where my anxiety always seems to be high due to painful experiences in my past. That anxiety has decreased significantly in recent years, but it's still there and it still has an effect on me. People also act a lot differently in Utah than they do in Louisiana. I feel like most southern folks are more laid-back and "warm" than folks around here. Maybe that puts me at ease.

Her post is definitely worth reading. Very insightful and thought-provoking.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Being a Writer

Ever since I was a wee lad, I've been in love with the idea of writing. My passion first expressed itself through my love of reading; as a toddler, I demanded that adults read to me. When I was old enough to read on my own, I devoured everything I could get my hands on. The next logical step in my progression (or downward spiral?) was to tell my own stories. This has been challenging for me, as sometimes I have a hard time visualizing the settings for my stories, but it's a challenge that I really enjoy and that has enriched my life on many levels.

One aspect of writing that I do not enjoy is writer's block. It seems that sometimes my life becomes so overwhelming that I simply can't get the creative juices flowing. Sometimes, the simplest things can feel overwhelming (ie, stress about work/school), and that contributes to the buildup of writer's block.

What I need to remember is that, writer's block or not, I should set aside some time each day to focus on my writing.

This blog has really helped me to focus on my words. Even blogging about life in general has stimulated my creativity and led to some short story concepts. Keeping a small moleskin notebook close at hand has also been helpful when ideas strike as I'm out and about.

For awhile, I had been feeling discouraged because I'm not where I want to be with my writing. Now, I can step back and look at the bigger picture. I've accomplished much more than I've given myself credit for, and I'll only continue to make progress as long as I maintain this optimistic attitude.

Setting realistic goals and celebrating their achievement is much better (and more productive) than setting irrational goals and beating yourself up when you fail to meet them.

Slightly Belated...

Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there... especially my mom and my mother-in-law. Who knows, two years from now I may have to include my partner in the Mother's Day wishes!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Seller Offers Gun Range Targets Meant to Resemble Trayvon Martin

No, really. I'm serious.

What the hell is wrong with people? This is just cruel on so many different levels. A kid was murdered. If your child had been murdered, would you want to see their image placed on a target of any kind?

The seller is clearly an intelligent fellow. Regarding the Trayvon Martin case, he feels that the shooter is innocent and that he "shot a thug."

Because thugs are always found packing Skittles and iced tea.

Sometimes, I just don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

President Obama Supports Gay Marriage

Well, that's nice to know. I'm not being sarcastic, either- it's nice to know that the President of the USA believes that gay couples should have the right to marry. I have my owns views on marriage in general, but that will have to be written as its own blog post.

I hope that one day I will live in a world where the idea of gay couples not being allowed to get married is just as absurd as, say, interracial couples not being allowed to marry.

Thanks for the support, sir.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Did Queen Latifah Come Out?

Apparently, a lot of folks are assuming that she has. At least from what I've seen on Facebook and from surfing random blogs around the internet. The assumption that Queen Latifah has finally come out stems from the fact that she's headlining this year's annual Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride Festival, which she has never participated in before. Which is great, except that if you want to be technical, a lot of straight celebrities participate in LGBT community events.

Now, I'm not saying that Queen Latifah is straight. If I had to bet money on her sexuality, I'd say that she's a lesbian. However, that's her business. If she wants to come out, that's great. If she wants to stay in the closet, it's her life and her decision. I just think it's a little funny that so many people are claiming that Queen Latifah has finally come out simply because she'll be participating in an LGBT community event. Maybe she'll come out during the festivities; maybe she won't. Let's just enjoy the show and stop putting words in her mouth. Coming out is a process, a very personal decision, and nobody has the right to take that away from anyone else.

Gay or straight, I love me some Queen Latifah and I'm glad to see that she's headlining this event!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

NC Pastor Suggests Parents Beat the Gay Out of Their Kids.

His blathering is nicely summarized here.

He's trying to defend himself now by claiming that it was "all in good fun" and that he was "just joking." Because, you know, advocating child abuse is hilarious.

I think my favorite part is where he uses the act of ditch digging as an example of manliness. Real men dig ditches, damn it! I think I might actually have to use that one on my son...

"Son, be a man. Go dig a ditch."

Sadly, I think many people would actually take this pastor's advice seriously.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hill's Ideal Balance: Keeping My Boys Healthy and Active

Disclosure: I am a BzzAgent. As a BzzAgent, I have the opportunity to receive product samples in exchange for my honest opinions on the various products that I'm asked to try. I'm not a salesman; in fact, if I don't like a product, I'm encouraged to provide my honest opinion on that product. At no time will I attempt to sell you anything. I'm just here to provide you with my honest opinion. That being said...

I love my boys. They're my constant companions. So of course, I want to provide them with the best possible nutrition so that they can enjoy long, happy lives with me. When I was asked to participate in a Bzz campaign for Hill's Ideal Balance dog food, I was excited; I love being able to include "the boys" in my Bzz activities. I was a little worried, however; the boys can be very picky, and I was worried that they would turn up their noses when they saw a new type of food in their dishes.

It was silly of me to worry; I had barely removed the free sample from its packaging before the boys were investigating the bag. They seemed to know that this was just for them. Although they had both eaten recently, they couldn't resist the temptation to try some of the new food once I had filled their dishes. I could tell by their body language that they loved it. On subsequent days, they enjoyed their meals with gusto.

At first, I was concerned that switching the boys' food would cause some digestive problems. Hill's Ideal Balance is specially formulated for easy digestion. The boys were just fine, and they seemed to be more active as a result of the switch. The product also claimed to improve pets' skin and coats; admittedly, I have noticed that the boys' coats have a newfound sheen. They're also shedding a little bit less, which could be related to having a healthier coat.

The only thing I don't love about this product is the price tag. It's a bit more expensive than the boys' usual brand of dog food. However, Hill's Ideal Balance does not contain corn, artificial flavors, or preservatives. It DOES contain fresh chicken as well as various fruits and veggies. As far as the health benefits are concerned, I would definitely be willing to pay a little extra in order to keep my boys healthy and active. However, I feel that the higher price tag might discourage a lot of pet parents from purchasing the product.

I would give this product a 4/5 stars- I'm docking one star just because of the price tag. Healthy products should be more affordable to all.

I highly recommend giving this product a try. Cat lovers, don't worry- they have an Ideal Balance just for our feline friends.

If you've tried the product, what do you think about it?

PS: Check out the pet food comparison tool!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Positive Aspects of Asperger's: Megan

Aside from being another positive tale from the autism spectrum, this was just cute. Megan, a young girl diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, displays her memorization skills by reciting the various capitals of the world. Many individuals on the autism spectrum display above average abilities in specific skills. Having a "special interest" can often help an individual find their voice in a world that may not otherwise make much sense to them. It's finals week for a lot of my friends- I bet that memorization skill would sure come in handy for them!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

An Inspirational Graduation Speech

Very well said! This young man has a bright future. More and more individuals with autism are proving that they can lead meaningful lives; we've come a long way from the view that the only viable future for individuals with autism was confinement within an institutional facility.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fiona's Story

This isn't autism related, but the story deserves to be shared as much as possible. Seeing this story only encourages me to open my own shelter someday. I don't know how anyone could allow this to happen to a dog, but I'm grateful that there are good people in the world who care enough to take a stand and do something about it.