
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ann Coulter Gets Pwned by Whoopi Goldberg

So, Ann Coulter still exists, and for some reason she has this bizarre notion that speaking is a good idea. She's even barfed up written a new book, Mugged, in which she spends more time spewing inaccurate facts and pointing fingers in the endless(ly stupid) war between "liberals" and "conservatives." If you want an idea of the book's premise, Coulter argues that civil rights "only belong to blacks" because the U.S. "has a legacy of slavery."

As you can probably imagine, it only took a few sentences to spark the ire of Whoopi Goldberg when she visited "The View" on Thursday. I had to applaud Whoopi when she asked Coulter, point-blank, what she knew about "being black." Coulter proceeds to get flustered and the lulz ensue.

Coulter has certainly made some bat-shit crazy interesting statements, lately. During a round table discussion on "This Week", she stated that civil rights are for blacks - not gays, Latinos, or women. So, what she's trying to say is that suffering and injustice are prerequisites for civil rights; something must be owed to one group by another. Even if we run with her bizarre definition of civil rights, it would seem that Coulter has a flimsy understanding of American history (in which immigrants have suffered various injustices) and almost no understanding of the daily struggles faced by and injustices inflicted upon other minority groups.

Seriously, can someone just advise this woman that speaking is not a good activity for her?

EDIT: I forgot to mention something else. It's interesting that Coulter believes Republicans to be more sympathetic towards "blacks." Because Republicans always treat them with respect.

Yep, nothing bad happened at the 2012 RNC.

Nothing at all.

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