
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Did Queen Latifah Come Out?

Apparently, a lot of folks are assuming that she has. At least from what I've seen on Facebook and from surfing random blogs around the internet. The assumption that Queen Latifah has finally come out stems from the fact that she's headlining this year's annual Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride Festival, which she has never participated in before. Which is great, except that if you want to be technical, a lot of straight celebrities participate in LGBT community events.

Now, I'm not saying that Queen Latifah is straight. If I had to bet money on her sexuality, I'd say that she's a lesbian. However, that's her business. If she wants to come out, that's great. If she wants to stay in the closet, it's her life and her decision. I just think it's a little funny that so many people are claiming that Queen Latifah has finally come out simply because she'll be participating in an LGBT community event. Maybe she'll come out during the festivities; maybe she won't. Let's just enjoy the show and stop putting words in her mouth. Coming out is a process, a very personal decision, and nobody has the right to take that away from anyone else.

Gay or straight, I love me some Queen Latifah and I'm glad to see that she's headlining this event!

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