
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Voted.

I participated in the early voting program last week. Casting my vote was bittersweet, but satisfying nonetheless. I know that an obscene number of people in this state will vote for Romney because he shares two common traits with them: he’s a Republican and a Mormon. It’s a shame, because anyone who bothers to research the issues can see what the Romney/Ryan platform is built on: inherently flawed “logic”, numbers that do not add up, and enough flip-flopping to make your head spin. Is Obama perfect? Nope. Not by any means. When compared to the Romney/Ryan ticket, however, Obama is the best option we have. A vote for Romney/Ryan is a vote for the “legitimate rape” of America.

I may not always agree with the Democrats, but I do know that my family will have more opportunities for equal treatment with a Democrat in power. Mitt Romney has gone on record saying some pretty ignorant, hateful things about the LGBT community. He's vowed to do everything in his power as president to revoke our rights and tear our families apart. I refuse to be treated as a second-class citizen when I contribute just as much, if not more, to society than my peers. I refuse to have my children believe that they anything less than regular

Almost everyone seems to feel very strongly about this election. Whatever your beliefs, I encourage you to get out there and vote today. Your vote will always make a difference, no matter what anyone else may tell you. It's your right and privilege to vote, so get out there and let your voice be heard!

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