
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jim Henson Walks Away from Chick-Fil-A

Ms. Piggy loves her some gays.

I'm happy to hear that the Jim Henson Company supports diversity and inclusiveness. I'm also impressed with them for standing up and putting their money where their mouth is.

Yes, Chick-Fil-A has a right to say whatever they want. Yes, most of us have been aware of their donations for quite some time. I'm actually not angry with Chick-Fil-A. Rather, I'm angry because the CFO's ignorant comments have reminded me of what I really loathe about Christianity: cherry picking. I'm working on a much longer blog that will elaborate on this, but the short version is this: I'm sick of people cherry picking their values from a book that a vast majority of them have never even read. There are passages in the Bible that endorse rape, stoning rape victims to death, and slavery, to name a few. Now, I guess our society has "progressed" to the point where most Christians happily overlook these parts of the Bible. So, why can't they re-evaluate their outdated views on homosexuality? You can't use the Bible to justify your beliefs on homosexuality unless you're also going to follow every other commandment and "value" set forth in the Bible.

I guess some folks just can't live without that self-righteous feeling...

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