
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Family Research Council "Dumps" UPS

Once upon a time, I blogged about UPS updating their donation guidelines to target organizations that reflect their core values. This essentially makes the Boy Scouts of America ineligible to receive future financial aid from UPS, due to their anti-gay position.

Well, apparently, the Family Research Council has decided to "dump" UPS over this decision. Oddly, the FRC believes that keeping gays away from the BSA keeps the children "safe." I guess they aren't aware of the BSA's many alleged molestation cover-ups. Either way, does anyone actually care about the FRC's latest hissy fit? Or should we just advise them to call the waaaaaaaambulance? Sorry y'all, but I highly doubt that UPS is going to be reeling in financial shock from this decision.

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