
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Why Do I Care So Much?

I've been asked on several occasions why animal rescue is so important to me. I get the feeling that there are some people who are so upset by animal cruelty that they would rather look away and pretend it isn't happening. Unfortunately, it IS happening; it's all around us. I recently came across a story that really touched my heart. I want to share this story as a way of explaining why I care so much and why I aspire to do more work as an "animal rescuer." Take a few minutes to read
Kingston's story.

Sarcoptic mange. Dehydration. Malnutrition. Heartworm. An emaciated body with swollen, badly infected skin. And yet, the most appalling part of this story is that Kingston had been abandoned in a huge apartment complex by his previous owners. When the animal rescuers showed up and tried to locate Kingston, everyone they asked knew about him. And yet, out of all the residents in this large apartment complex, not one person had ever shown him any kindness. Nobody offered him any food or water, nor did anyone call a local shelter or animal control officer. A visiting healthcare worker is the only one that tried to help him, offering him food and water before they called for help. When the rescuers found him and called out to him, Kingston was so excited that he tried to make his way over to them.

He collapsed before he ever reached them.

It was a 45 minute ride to the nearest veterinarian. During the ride, Kingston tried to eat and drink. Mostly, he cuddled with the rescuer who was sitting with him. Finally, someone was showing him some kindness. He was loved.

Unfortunately, he only knew that love for one day. After struggling to survive all those months, Kingston passed away while under the care of his rescuers.

"All who walked away from Kingston played a part in his neglect."

I feel like Kingston had struggled for so long because he hoped that one day, someone might love him. Someone might pet him, feed him, and play with him. In the care of his rescuer, he was at peace enough to let go of his suffering. I wish that he could have known more love in his life. He deserved more than one day. At the same time, I'm so grateful for the rescuers that loved him and tried to save him.

This is why I care. This is why I do what I do. Animals like Kingston didn't ask to be born. They certainly didn't ask to be abandoned and left to die alone. From the moment they're born, they have the right to live a happy life. They deserve a place in a family and a place to call home. Whether I can provide an animal with one day of love and happiness or a lifetime, I just want to make a difference.

And I want to make sure that beautiful, loving dogs like Kingston are never forgotten. Their legacy deserves to live on through the lives that I can change.

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