
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obamacare: The World is Ending!

...At least, that's what some of the Republicans on Facebook and various news sites were claiming. Comments ranged from people passionately declaring that America is "officially dead" to those who were in a panic and anxious to return home and examine their food storage/guns. I wish I was lying about that last part. I mean, really?

Romney has also declared a "war" on Obamacare, passionately stating that he will work to repeal it if elected.

Amidst all this finger-pointing and tantrum-throwing, people are overlooking a very basic, very obvious fact: Obamacare is pretty much the younger brother of Romneycare. Yes, there was a Romneycare, implemented in MA by none other than Mitt Romney. Now, the last time I checked, MA was still on the map. The state has not been sucked into a giant sinkhole, nor have the gods unleashed the titans on its citizens. The sky is not falling.

If anyone would like to see a side-by-side comparison of Romneycare and Obamacare, check out this PDF file. It breaks down the main components in a clean and simple manner.

Remember, everyone: keep calm and sing "soft kitty." Life goes on. America isn't "dead." The melodrama was funny for the first five minutes, but now it's just ridiculous. Let's move forward and focus on bigger issues.

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