
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jim Henson Walks Away from Chick-Fil-A

Ms. Piggy loves her some gays.

I'm happy to hear that the Jim Henson Company supports diversity and inclusiveness. I'm also impressed with them for standing up and putting their money where their mouth is.

Yes, Chick-Fil-A has a right to say whatever they want. Yes, most of us have been aware of their donations for quite some time. I'm actually not angry with Chick-Fil-A. Rather, I'm angry because the CFO's ignorant comments have reminded me of what I really loathe about Christianity: cherry picking. I'm working on a much longer blog that will elaborate on this, but the short version is this: I'm sick of people cherry picking their values from a book that a vast majority of them have never even read. There are passages in the Bible that endorse rape, stoning rape victims to death, and slavery, to name a few. Now, I guess our society has "progressed" to the point where most Christians happily overlook these parts of the Bible. So, why can't they re-evaluate their outdated views on homosexuality? You can't use the Bible to justify your beliefs on homosexuality unless you're also going to follow every other commandment and "value" set forth in the Bible.

I guess some folks just can't live without that self-righteous feeling...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hope's New Owners Reflect

Very nice video update on Hope.

Why? Why not. It's always nice to share some good news.

I'm so happy that Hope's story has a happy ending. Now, if only we could find the sick people that tortured her, that would really make my day.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

R.I.P Sally Ride

Sally Ride passed away today. I'm sure that many people know Sally Ride as the first female U.S. astronaut in space. Not many people were aware that she was also a lesbian. She and her partner, Tam O'Shaughnessy were together for 27 years. It was only in Sally's obituary that their relationship was made public. On a side note, Sally's nephew, Bear, identifies as a gay man.

I wish that she had lived in a time where her relationship with Tam could have received more acceptance. Homosexuals are just like everyone else: they work, they have relationships, they form family units, and damn it, they can also go into space. How cool is that? I'm sure that a lot of young gay kids can benefit from Sally's example.

Thank you, Sally, for giving us another positive role model in our community.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Family of Eric Kisly Wants Understanding for Asperger's

You can read the original article here.

This is a sad story on many different levels. There is an assumption that those with Asperger's, or those on the high-functioning end of the spectrum, need less assistance with everyday things. That's simply not true. Take this article, for example. It points out that Eric was the ideal employee: he was focused, honest, and hard-working. So why couldn't he find a job? Because he lacked many of the social skills that others tend to take for granted. Unfortunately, in our society, the interview process isn't based solely on an individual's qualifications. A lot of "small talk" and social cues are involved in the hiring process. Unless someone has a fair understanding of these social aspects of the interview process, their chances of finding employment are slim.

When they do find employment, these individuals still face daily struggles: socializing with co-workers, getting along with their boss, dealing with customers, and adapting their routines to the organizational demands of a corporate environment, to name a few.

Although early intervention can be important, I feel that it's equally important to educate adults about Asperger's and autism spectrum disorders. The co-worker that keeps to himself, never making eye contact? He's not necessarily aloof; he may want to initiate contact but lack the social skills required to do so.

What a sad story. Eric was young, smart, and showed a lot of promise. I really hope that we can create a better world, one in which people can look past their first impressions.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Why Do I Care So Much?

I've been asked on several occasions why animal rescue is so important to me. I get the feeling that there are some people who are so upset by animal cruelty that they would rather look away and pretend it isn't happening. Unfortunately, it IS happening; it's all around us. I recently came across a story that really touched my heart. I want to share this story as a way of explaining why I care so much and why I aspire to do more work as an "animal rescuer." Take a few minutes to read
Kingston's story.

Sarcoptic mange. Dehydration. Malnutrition. Heartworm. An emaciated body with swollen, badly infected skin. And yet, the most appalling part of this story is that Kingston had been abandoned in a huge apartment complex by his previous owners. When the animal rescuers showed up and tried to locate Kingston, everyone they asked knew about him. And yet, out of all the residents in this large apartment complex, not one person had ever shown him any kindness. Nobody offered him any food or water, nor did anyone call a local shelter or animal control officer. A visiting healthcare worker is the only one that tried to help him, offering him food and water before they called for help. When the rescuers found him and called out to him, Kingston was so excited that he tried to make his way over to them.

He collapsed before he ever reached them.

It was a 45 minute ride to the nearest veterinarian. During the ride, Kingston tried to eat and drink. Mostly, he cuddled with the rescuer who was sitting with him. Finally, someone was showing him some kindness. He was loved.

Unfortunately, he only knew that love for one day. After struggling to survive all those months, Kingston passed away while under the care of his rescuers.

"All who walked away from Kingston played a part in his neglect."

I feel like Kingston had struggled for so long because he hoped that one day, someone might love him. Someone might pet him, feed him, and play with him. In the care of his rescuer, he was at peace enough to let go of his suffering. I wish that he could have known more love in his life. He deserved more than one day. At the same time, I'm so grateful for the rescuers that loved him and tried to save him.

This is why I care. This is why I do what I do. Animals like Kingston didn't ask to be born. They certainly didn't ask to be abandoned and left to die alone. From the moment they're born, they have the right to live a happy life. They deserve a place in a family and a place to call home. Whether I can provide an animal with one day of love and happiness or a lifetime, I just want to make a difference.

And I want to make sure that beautiful, loving dogs like Kingston are never forgotten. Their legacy deserves to live on through the lives that I can change.

Friday, July 13, 2012

An Update on Hope

A picture is worth a thousand words.

According to The Examiner, Hope's recovery has been amazing. She's defied all odds and managed to survive. Even more amazing is the support that Hope has received. Hope has received donations from as far away as London! Her medicals bills have been paid and she's well on the way to being adopted. Last I heard, they are still offering a reward for any information leading to the individual that tortured Hope. Check out the article above for contact information.

I really love this picture. Hope has a look of pure contentment on her face. You can't tell me that you don't see the love in that picture. I'll blog about Hope if I can locate any additional information in the future. Hope, you're a beautiful dog and you deserve a loving home! I'm so happy that her story didn't end in tragedy. Hopefully, we'll have a happy ending in the form of justice for Hope.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hope: The Texas Dog

This article contains graphic pictures.

A dog was found on a Texas roadside. Clearly, she had been tortured; she had long gashes over her body and, even more disgusting, someone had yanked her tongue out of her mouth before wrapping electrical tape around her muzzle. She was unable to pant or drink for days. The veterinarians who worked on her were afraid they would have to amputate her tongue; it had swollen to a grotesque size.

Happily, this dog (who was given the name "Hope" by her rescuers) is recovering nicely. She's able to eat and drink by herself. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery and a one-way ticket to a deserving "forever home."

However, the sick individual that tortured Hope is still on the loose. The article that I linked to at the beginning of this post contains contact information for the Parker County Sheriff's Office. You can also contact a specific individual if you'd like to contribute to the reward that is being offered for any information leading to an arrest.

Enough is enough! This beautiful dog deserves justice. I wish there were stronger consequences for animal cruelty.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

R.I.P. Lennox

Despite an international petition to save his life, Lennox the dog was euthanized on 07/11/12.

What really hit my heart was that the council rejected his owner's request to be present when he was euthanized. Instead, his owner will receive Lennox's ashes by mail. Lennox died alone. His owner wasn't even permitted to be there, to comfort him in his last moments alive. How messed up is that? Sounds like a cowardly, petty decision by the government.

The whole "war against pitbulls" just sickens me. It seems as though humanity selects a new breed to harass every decade or so. In the 1990s, when I was younger, I remember everyone focusing on rottweilers and how "violent" they were. Oddly enough, I have never met an aggressive rottweiler. These days, the focus is on pitbulls. Why? A dog isn't born with violence in its blood. A dog is shaped by its environment and upbringing, just like a person. Singling out pitbulls is the canine equivalent of racial profiling.


I'm so sorry, Lennox. You didn't deserve this.

For more of his story, you can visit the Save Lennox Campaign Blog.

Christians, Y U Not At Least Original?

Okay, I know there are probably some more examples that I'm too tired to think of, but I saw this over on Failbook and just had to share. As someone who is fascinated by world religions, I think it's interesting to see how various religions essentially believe the same thing (but word their beliefs differently). It's also interesting to see how religions have evolved over time, often borrowing concepts from previous religions. ...And, just because it's driving me crazy, I'd like to point out that whoever created this image has confused Horus with Osiris.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Chihuahua Named Hope

This story made my heart very sad.

A woman was camping when she heard screaming and went to investigate. The screaming was coming from a little chihuahua that had been thrown into a fire pit. Her owners (or at least, the people who had brought her there) were standing there, watching her while she suffered. How anyone could actually watch this, let alone enjoy it, is beyond me.

The little chihuahua was rescued and brought to the vet, who treated her and referred her to a local animal rescue for ongoing care. They named her "Hope." They genuinely believed that she could recover, be adopted into a loving home, and live a rich life with a family that deserved her. For several weeks, Hope was medicated for pain and taken for daily visits to the veterinarian. Her bandages had to be changed frequently, and she had possibly lost her vision in one eye.

Unfortunately, on July 4th, Hope lost her battle. I suspect that the strain may have been too much for her little heart. She passed away and is no longer suffering. However, the story has resonated with me, creeping around in the corners of my mind. This story bothers me because Hope deserves justice. All life is precious, and anyone sick enough to do this to Hope may become a repeat offender.

Hope was a beautiful little chihuahua- black and tan, just as I'd like to own someday. She deserved to be loved, she deserved to be part of a family that would love her and protect her. Instead, she was the victim of cruelty and paid the ultimate price for some monster's sick form of entertainment. Even more unsettling, the people who committed this crime are still out there. True Hearts Rescue is currently offering a $1,000.00 reward for any information leading them to Hope's tormentors. If you're reading this and you happen to know something, please contact them. Hope deserves justice. She deserved so much more, but that was cruelly taken from her.

While these stories sadden me greatly, I know that I have to get used to seeing these cases. If I'm able to start a rescue center, I know that I'll see many victims of cruelty. There will probably be times when I have to take a moment and just cry. I look at our boys and I can't understand how anyone could hurt them. They love us unconditionally, and so many people just take advantage of that. If I can make a difference in the life of a victim, then that's worth having to see the darker side of humanity. Now, with the images of a bandaged, suffering Hope still fresh in my mind, I feel more determined than ever to do something for these victims.

I'm grateful that Hope was able to spend her last weeks with foster parents who truly cared for her. Hopefully she knew that she was loved. She deserved that, and so much more.

I'm sorry, Hope. Not all humans are like this. For you, and for all of the other victims, I will strive to create my own animal rescue center in the not-too-distant future.

Family Reunion 2012

Recently, my girl and I traveled to Cedar City, UT for the Hatch family reunion. Although I was a little nervous to meet the other side of the family (I'm more acquainted with her mom's side), I was also pretty excited. I had never been to a family reunion before; I had only seen them on television sitcoms, so I really wasn't sure what to expect.

Good times were had by all, though. It was hot as hell, but we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless. I had a lot of fun meeting more of the extended family and they were all really nice and welcoming. We even played games together! In fact, my girl is playing horseshoes in the above picture. I love that I caught her throw in mid-air... the horseshoe is all Matrix-y in this shot.

Since I come from a fairly small family, it's nice that my partner has a much larger family. It's even better that I seem to belong in her family. Honestly, after my last relationship, I wanted my partner to have a good family. It means a lot to me that I'm included in the family activities and gatherings.

Oh, and we even got t-shirts for this reunion. Score!