
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Evolution of a Genius: Portrait of the Artist as a Second Grader

Portrait of the Artist...
So, back in the second grade, we were each given a small journal. Periodically, we were given prompts during class and we had to write about these topics in our journals. Apparently, I saved my journal- I came across it not too long ago, while going through my belongings and deciding what to keep/toss/etc. Since I was obviously a budding genius, I'm going to share some of the gems found in my second grade journal:

"I would like to be 21 years old because you can only play slots when you're 21." (Side note: Apparently, when I was three years old, I came running into the room and announced to my parents, "I got a straight flush and won $300!" My mom loves this story.)

"My favorite place is Albertsons because they always have some free samples and they are so good and so so so delicious and wonderful and I guess I just like them so so much." (Mmmmm, food. So, so, so delicious.)

"I don't like to go shopping because it is so dumb and my mom spends so much time at the shopping center." (True story. Also the reason I entertained myself by hiding in clothing racks.)

"I love you and dad and I really try to be good but I just can't." (At least I was honest. Also, I feel like this is still a thing I would say.)

"Because if he doesn't learn he will grow up to be a little stupid." (Kids, school is important. If you don't go, then you might grow up to be a little stupid.)

"My bird is turning out to be better than I thought." (I'm not sure what I expected?)

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