
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Simple Kindness: Fixing a Broken Cheeseburger

I couldn't help but smile when I saw this story on the evening news. The story has since gone viral. You can easily use Google to find multiple articles/posts about this story, so I'll just link to one such report in this post.

Basically, the simple actions and kindness of one Chili's waitress made all the difference for one family's visit to the restaurant. Arianna MacLean is a 7-year-old girl with autism. She ordered a cheeseburger while her family was dining at Chili's. When her cheeseburger left the kitchen, it had been cut in half- a standard procedure for all childrens' burgers at Chili's. However, when Arianna saw her cheeseburger, she thought that it was "broken" and didn't want to eat it. Arianna's older sister explained the issue to their waitress, Lauren. Instead of arguing or having a negative/dismissive attitude, Lauren agreed that the cheeseburger was "broken", apologized, and promptly delivered a new- uncut- cheeseburger to Arianna.

After staring at the cheeseburger for a few moments, Arianna then bent down and kissed it.

When you have a family member with an autism spectrum disorder, even the simplest family outings can be problematic. Sensory issues and social difficulties can make these outings stressful for everyone involved. Lauren's response in this situation was fantastic and should serve as a model for other employees in the service industry. Individuals with autism are different- not less. It's important that their feelings and thoughts are validated and treated with respect.

Aside from going above and beyond to make Arianna's dining experience an enjoyable one, Lauren has also become Facebook friends with Arianna's older sister, Anna. Providing exemplary customer service and making a new friend? All in a day's work for Lauren!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Matthew Lannon's Powerful Argument for Gay Marriage

Matthew Lannon, a 12-year-old resident of Rhode Island, delivered a powerful speech in support of gay marriage in front of the Rhode Island Senate Judiciary committee. For being in the sixth grade, he speaks with a great degree of eloquence and wisdom.

Lannon's parents- two lesbian mothers and two gay fathers- have been in their respective relationships for 14 years. As he described it, "My parents, and all the other gay and lesbian people here, just want to be happy." Interestingly enough, Lannon also happens to be the nephew of Rhode Island State Sen. Donna Nesselbush.

Surprisingly, Rhode Island is the only New England state that does not allow same-sex marriage, although LGBT couples do have the option of civil unions.

Kudos to you, Matthew Lannon, for having the courage to stand up and encourage people to "choose love!"

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Perez Hilton is a Dad!

Image courtesy of Perez Hilton
Perez Hilton recently welcomed his baby boy into the world! The boy was born using a surrogate and, although born a bit early, is doing well and seems happy and healthy!

You can view more photos of the proud papa and his baby boy here.

Congratulations, Perez!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Build-A-Bear Will be Lighting it Up Blue for Autism Awareness!

Image Courtesy of Autism Speaks (Facebook)
Build-A-Bear has teamed up with Autism Speaks to celebrate Autism Awareness with a one-of-a-kind furry friend! The bears will be available in participating Build-A-Bear workshops across the USA on March 27th. From what I've heard, each store will only be receiving a limited shipment of these bears, so once they're gone, they're gone.

I know that many of us have varying opinions of Autism Speaks. I understand that- I also have issues with the way they approach the topic of autism, as well as their approach (or lack thereof) to individuals with autism. However, this... this is just cute. Wifey really wants to get me one. I'm not complaining!

If you would like to get ahold of this special blue bear, give your local Build-A-Bear store a call and/or stop by any participating location on March 27th!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Accountability: Meeting Adam Lanza's Father

CBS News recently aired this interview with Alissa and Robbie Parker, the parents of Emilie Parker- a beautiful little girl whose life came to a tragic end in the Newtown, CT massacre. Alissa and Robbie were able to meet with Peter Lanza, the father of Adam Lanza, the young man responsible for the school shooting that took the lives of 26 people- 20 children and six adults.

This interview brought tears to my eyes. Losing a child must be such a horrible thing to endure. Alissa and Robbie Parker are anything but full of hate and bitterness, however; their responses in this interview show us a strong couple determined to honor their daughter's memory by living for their family.

Just as a reminder, you can read Robbie and Alissa's blog for more information about their family: The Parker Five.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Kroger CARBmaster

Yum, protein!
As I've mentioned in some of my other blog posts, I'm a BzzAgent. From time to time, I'm provided with free samples of/coupons for various new products in exchange for providing my honest opinion of said products. The goal is to generate honest "bzz" about a product- not to sell anything or lie to make it sound good.

Recently, I was asked to try some of the products in Kroger's new CARBmaster line. The CARBmaster line of dairy products was designed specifically for those who are monitoring their carb intake. Current products being offered under the CARBmaster brand are yogurt, Greek yogurt (regular and lite), and milk. The CARBmaster yogurts are designed to be lower in carbs, calories, and sugar than regular yogurt while providing a decadent, delicious treat. Black Forest Cake and Cinnamon Roll.

The CARBmaster Greek yogurts, like other Greek yogurts currently on the market, are high in protein. CARBmaster's Greek yogurts contain 16 grams of protein per serving, contain zero fat, and are available in delicious flavors such as Blackberry Yumberry, Pomegranate, and Mixed Berry. The Greek Lite varieties boast a mere 90 calories per serving, to boot!

Finally, the CARBmaster milk is touted as being a nonfat, reduced sugar product. The best part about it is that it packs a major protein punch- it contains just as much protein (16 grams) as the CARBmaster yogurts!  Now THAT'S a great way to sneak some extra protein into your day.

When I was asked to try out the new CARBmaster products, I was excited. I love yogurt and I drink milk at least once a day, so these products were already being used heavily in my household. One of my hobbies is weight training, so I'm always looking for a convenient way to grab some protein on the go. When my $10.00 Kroger gift card arrived in the mail, I put them to good use and purchased a few of each product: CARBmaster yogurt, CARBmaster Greek and Greek Lite yogurts, and a half gallon of the plain Kroger CARBmaster milk.

The first thing that I noticed about the CARBmaster yogurt is that it has a different texture than, say, Yoplait yogurts. I'm not sure how to describe it, exactly. It's a little bit thicker, and that's definitely not a bad thing. I tried the Black Forest Cake and Cinnamon Roll yogurt flavors. Sometimes, when I'm at work, I crave something sweet to give me an extra boost later in the day. These yogurts didn't disappoint; the flavors were decadent and indulgent. Of course, since the CARBmaster yogurts are low in carbs and high in protein, I didn't have to feel guilty about treating myself.

The Greek and Greek Lite yogurts were fantastic as well. I'm a berry fan, so I tried the Blackberry Yumberry, Blueberry, Strawberry, and Mixed Berry flavors. These were easily some of the best Greek yogurt blends that I've had. Aside from the 16 grams of protein per serving, the best part about the CARBmaster Greek and Greek Lite yogurts is their low price tag- they're affordable, and that makes them a more attractive option than many of their competitors.

Finally, regarding the CARBmaster milk, well... what's not to like? The milk was delicious! I enjoyed it on its own, with cereal, and blended with chocolate syrup to make a protein-powered chocolate milk drink. I think the chocolate milk was my favorite way to enjoy the CARBmaster milk. Enjoying a glass of chocolate milk after a hard workout left me feeling refreshed and relaxed. I can't wait to try the vanilla flavored CARBmaster milk. I bet that it will taste great with some granola!

All in all, the CARBmaster product line seems promising. My only complaint is that there aren't many flavor varieties available for the CARBmaster yogurt line. That aside, I highly recommend the CARBmaster product line to anyone looking to add some extra protein to their day, or anyone who just wants to enjoy a decadent treat in the middle of the day without feeling guilty or breaking their diet. The CARBmaster product line is only available at Kroger stores.

What are you waiting for? Head to your nearest Kroger and try these great products for yourself!

What will you try first?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Strut Your Mutt

Proud members of the "Star Pups" pack!
Strut Your Mutt is a fun event.

Since our mutts love to strut, we just had to participate.

I had been meaning to post about this for awhile now, but I got sidetracked with school and life in general. If you'd like to learn more about the event, you can check out their website.

You should also spend some time looking into Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. They're doing some amazing work in Utah. We need more organizations like this throughout the nation.

As you can see, our boys had a great time strutting. Looking forward to next year!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mormons and Gays

The LDS Church once again made headlines during the latter part of 2012, this time due to their website called Mormons and Gays.

The optimist in me acknowledges that this is a step in the right direction. The church is basically saying that they will no longer excommunicate you or banish you simply for being homosexual. Most importantly, they are acknowledging that homosexuality is not a choice; rather, it’s something that you are born with. The church is also advising members of its community to accept homosexuals and not to shun them or turn them away.

Temple Grandin Answers Questions via AutismLive

In this video, Dr. Temple Grandin answers many viewer questions. Topics include advice for parents of children with autism, some words about the Sandy Hook tragedy, and upcoming speaking events, to name a few.

The video is a bit lengthy- 40 minutes long- but well worth watching. The beginning of the video offers an "index" of sorts, listing the times for each specific question. So, if there are certain questions/topics that you're interested in, you can easily skip through the video.

The Parker Five

(Image courtesy of the Parker family.)
As I writer, I know that the act of writing can provide a therapeutic effect in addition to being an outlet for creativity. In the wake of the Newtown, CT tragedy, the Parker family has created a blog in order to express their love for Emilie, work through the difficult days without her, and to share their story- and Emilie's- with the world.

Needless to say, the posts were amazing to read. I can't even imagine how it would feel to lose a child in a tragedy like this. The Parker family has worked very hard to rebuild their lives and to unify their "family of five." You can read their blog at the following link:

The Parker Five

Saturday, March 2, 2013


The air in Salt Lake City, Utah is sickening. Literally. This winter has been especially bad. So much so, in fact, that the air pollution in Salt Lake City prompted this petition from Utah doctors. In their petition, the doctors offered various suggestions for improving the air quality: lowering highway speed limits, making mass transit free for the winter, curbing industrial activities, placing a permanent ban on wood-burning, and initiating a strong push for employers to allow their employees to work from home.

It may sound a bit extreme, but the doctors have every right to be concerned. The toxic air is creating many new health problems and worsening the health of those with respiratory issues. During these "red air" days, the doctors have been advising people to avoid the outdoors. It was also suggested that introducing anti-oxidants such as fish oil or chocolate into their diet may help the citizens of Salt Lake City to fight toxic exposure.