
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Simple Kindness: Fixing a Broken Cheeseburger

I couldn't help but smile when I saw this story on the evening news. The story has since gone viral. You can easily use Google to find multiple articles/posts about this story, so I'll just link to one such report in this post.

Basically, the simple actions and kindness of one Chili's waitress made all the difference for one family's visit to the restaurant. Arianna MacLean is a 7-year-old girl with autism. She ordered a cheeseburger while her family was dining at Chili's. When her cheeseburger left the kitchen, it had been cut in half- a standard procedure for all childrens' burgers at Chili's. However, when Arianna saw her cheeseburger, she thought that it was "broken" and didn't want to eat it. Arianna's older sister explained the issue to their waitress, Lauren. Instead of arguing or having a negative/dismissive attitude, Lauren agreed that the cheeseburger was "broken", apologized, and promptly delivered a new- uncut- cheeseburger to Arianna.

After staring at the cheeseburger for a few moments, Arianna then bent down and kissed it.

When you have a family member with an autism spectrum disorder, even the simplest family outings can be problematic. Sensory issues and social difficulties can make these outings stressful for everyone involved. Lauren's response in this situation was fantastic and should serve as a model for other employees in the service industry. Individuals with autism are different- not less. It's important that their feelings and thoughts are validated and treated with respect.

Aside from going above and beyond to make Arianna's dining experience an enjoyable one, Lauren has also become Facebook friends with Arianna's older sister, Anna. Providing exemplary customer service and making a new friend? All in a day's work for Lauren!

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