
Thursday, September 1, 2011


I can't decide which blogging site is best suited to my needs: Tumblr, Blogger, or WordPress. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses. I feel like I should be able to just pick one and go with it, but I find myself wavering as I debate the pros and cons of each.

So many changes are occurring in my life right now. Welcome changes, to be sure, but also changes that are keeping me pretty busy. It's nice to feel like I'm truly focused on my goals, but I also feel like I've been too busy to indulge my creative side. I need to create some downtime in the near future, and indulge my creativity to its fullest.

I might be more inclined towards a creative spurt if the powers that be could fix my "crippled" left hand. I've been passed along to a specialist, but I have to wait until the 14th to hear what they have to say about my situation. Sure would be nice to have full use of my left hand once again; you never notice how much you rely on having two hands until one of them is out of commission.

What a hazy night. Smells like smoke. Is there a fire burning somewhere? Or is it just the pollution settling over the valley and searing into my lungs?

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