
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Evolution of a Genius: Portrait of the Artist as a Second Grader

Portrait of the Artist...
So, back in the second grade, we were each given a small journal. Periodically, we were given prompts during class and we had to write about these topics in our journals. Apparently, I saved my journal- I came across it not too long ago, while going through my belongings and deciding what to keep/toss/etc. Since I was obviously a budding genius, I'm going to share some of the gems found in my second grade journal:

"I would like to be 21 years old because you can only play slots when you're 21." (Side note: Apparently, when I was three years old, I came running into the room and announced to my parents, "I got a straight flush and won $300!" My mom loves this story.)

"My favorite place is Albertsons because they always have some free samples and they are so good and so so so delicious and wonderful and I guess I just like them so so much." (Mmmmm, food. So, so, so delicious.)

"I don't like to go shopping because it is so dumb and my mom spends so much time at the shopping center." (True story. Also the reason I entertained myself by hiding in clothing racks.)

"I love you and dad and I really try to be good but I just can't." (At least I was honest. Also, I feel like this is still a thing I would say.)

"Because if he doesn't learn he will grow up to be a little stupid." (Kids, school is important. If you don't go, then you might grow up to be a little stupid.)

"My bird is turning out to be better than I thought." (I'm not sure what I expected?)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Tornado Victim Finds Dog During CBS Interview

Having lived through Hurricane Katrina, I can certainly empathize with survivors of natural disasters on a more personal level. Maybe that's why this particular story really hit me right in the feels, so to speak.

Although this video clip is definitely heartwarming, it's also a tear-jerker. You've been warned!

Remember, the best survival strategy for a natural disaster is to have a plan for you and your family. Make sure that each family member is aware of the plan and practice each plan (or parts of it) consistently. is a good source of information. In addition to the usual Google search results, you can also look here and here for some good information.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Talented Friends: Kelcy Mae

The lovely Kelcy Mae.
I have some talented friends. In fact, one of these talented friends has recently released another EP, The Fire. Thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign, Kelcy Mae was able to release The Fire last week. Reviews of The Fire have been overwhelmingly positive; I've listened to the new songs myself and I really think she's outdone herself with her latest work. If you'd like to listen to The Fire, you can do so at ReverbNation. This website also has information on her upcoming live performances. The Fire is also available on iTunes. If you live in (or around) the New Orleans area, be sure to stop by and catch one of her live shows- I can personally guarantee that it will be fantastic. If not, don't fret- she just might come to a town near you, one of these days! Finally, if you'd like to learn more about the artist, feel free to head on over to

Thanks to OffBeat Magazine, I'm pleased to provide you with one of my new favorite songs, "Oh How the Whiskey." Just press the play button below and enjoy!

I Survived Finals: Spring 2013 Edition

Assigned reading... minus the huge stack of journal articles.
Somehow, I survived the end of the semester. Of course, in doing so, I also utilized all of my brain's power and had nothing left to fuel my creativity. It's only been about a month since my last update, and yet so much has happened in the world. I've wanted to comment on a lot of it, but the funny thing about the end of the semester is that it really does sap every spare ounce of energy and creativity you may have. That energy, that creative spark, are all focused on one thing: survival.

Although I'm relieved by the end of the semester, I also feel a bit lost. I've grown so accustomed to being busy that it's strange to have more free time. Naturally, I've already filled the void by enrolling in a free Harvard course and indulging in hobbies like gardening. Boxing and Muay Thai also help to fill that void, even though they often leave me feeling pretty sore in the process. It's a good kind of sore, though... and a GREAT way to relieve stress.

Professionally, I'm also starting to focus more on my freelance career. Namely, I've been building a portfolio to present to potential clients. I've also been collecting letters of reference that I can supply upon request. With any luck, this summer will be an excellent time to boost my qualifications and earn some extra money while doing so.

Of course, I'll also start blogging once again. This blog something else that I can add to my portfolio, yes, but it's also a great way to relieve stress, explore my thoughts/emotions, and comment on world events. I'd like to explore some other blogs, too, and see what interesting things are being said by members of the online community.

Carpe Diem! ...Right?