
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Family Research Council "Dumps" UPS

Once upon a time, I blogged about UPS updating their donation guidelines to target organizations that reflect their core values. This essentially makes the Boy Scouts of America ineligible to receive future financial aid from UPS, due to their anti-gay position.

Well, apparently, the Family Research Council has decided to "dump" UPS over this decision. Oddly, the FRC believes that keeping gays away from the BSA keeps the children "safe." I guess they aren't aware of the BSA's many alleged molestation cover-ups. Either way, does anyone actually care about the FRC's latest hissy fit? Or should we just advise them to call the waaaaaaaambulance? Sorry y'all, but I highly doubt that UPS is going to be reeling in financial shock from this decision.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mayan Apocalypse: 2012

Well, it looks like we're all still here.


Guess that means I'm not off the hook for my student loan debt. D'oh.

On the bright side, it's the only debt that I really have.

Time to plan more shenanigans and tomfoolery before the next semester begins!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Newtown, CT: An Addendum

As an addendum to my previous post about Emilie Parker, I wanted to mention that The United Way of Western Connecticut has created the Sandy Hook School Support Fund to provide support services to the families and community that has been affected. CNN has also posted a great article providing links to various resources for families, victims, and anyone who may have been affected by the tragedy.

Finally, Yahoo posted a really emotional article with background information on each of the victims of the shooting. Personally, I feel that it's "more" worth reading than the majority of the articles being posted on this tragedy simply because it focuses on the victims rather than the coward shooter.

I want to thank everyone who found my blog by searching for information on the shooting in Newtown, CT. My last blog post about Emilie received so many hits; I hope that I was able to generate some additional traffic for her memorial page, and that in doing so I have assisted her family in some way.

My heart truly aches for the children who will never return home to their families, and for the adults who courageously gave their lives trying to defend their students.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Emilie Parker: A Young Victim of the Newtown, CT Massacre

I'm working on a larger blog regarding the events that took place earlier today in Newtown, CT. However, I believe that this beautiful little girl deserves her very own blog post.

My wife went to school with Emilie's parents, Alyssa and Robbie. At some point, they moved to CT and settled down with their young family, which consisted of three beautiful little girls. The oldest, Emilie, was a student at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Unfortunately, Emilie is among the victims of today's shooting. This sweet little girl will never come home to her parents, thanks to the actions of one pathetic coward.

In Utah, KSL News will be covering this story on 12/14/12 at 10:00 p.m. Friends of Alyssa and Robbie have set up an account with America First Credit Union and are asking for any donations in order to assist the family in their time of need. The account number for donations is 9056862. A Facebook page (Emilie Parker Fund) has also been created to share information and condolences for the family.

I can't imagine being a parent and having my children in this situation. We plan on donating to the fund, and I encourage everyone else to do the same, if you are financially able to do so. As I'm writing this- at almost 10:00 p.m. MST- Alyssa and Robbie are still waiting to identify their beloved daughter's body. Nothing will bring their little girl back, but maybe we can show them that their family is being kept in our hearts during this difficult, troubling time.