
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Love is a true partnership. After years of wondering if there was anyone out there for me, of wondering if perhaps I’m simply meant to be alone, I found my partner. My life has felt more complete ever since; she was the missing puzzle piece that added color and depth to my life. I wouldn’t say that my life’s puzzle is complete- I hope to have children someday, and their lives will also contribute to my puzzle’s completion- but the addition of my partner filled a large gap in the middle of my life’s puzzle, a gap that had been staring me down for years.

A partner is an equal, someone who stands beside you and supports you through life’s challenges. My previous girlfriend was anything but a partner. She was raised by her mother to believe that the world owed her everything, and that it was acceptable to leech off of anyone and everyone in order to get ahead in the world. I was blinded by my initial impression of her and made some very stupid decisions. I believed her promises, and I truly believed that her character was the opposite of her mother’s, that somewhere deep inside she possessed integrity and morals. I was wrong; at least I learned from the experience.

My ex gleefully felt that she had broken me; she taunted me with petty insults and the threat of “karma.” I’m not sure she understood the meaning of “karma.” Her family stole many of my belongings, taunted me via text message (they were too cowardly to speak with me directly), and otherwise acted like a gang of trailer park children. I changed my phone number and decided to move on. I knew that I would have to work very hard to rebuild the parts of my life that were now in disarray because of my ex’s negativity.

So I did. I worked very hard. I rebuilt my life and stood on my own two feet. I abandoned the negativity of my ex and her family, choosing instead to live in the positivity of each and every moment. I enjoyed the single life for awhile, focusing on myself and my studies. I took some supplemental courses, applied to graduate school, and received a letter of acceptance from UMASS Lowell. I spent more time enjoying the great outdoors and building a relationship with my family.

Eventually, I met my partner. I can’t even compare her to my ex, really; there’s no comparison. My partner is on a much higher level than my ex could ever be. Her family is wonderful, too. It would seem that I abandoned the trashy and cruel for the honest and kind. Her family has been very welcoming, very understanding of my Asperger’s, and I’ve had such a great time getting to know them. It’s nice to be part of a family that’s more family-oriented, more focused on the positive aspects of life and human nature.

My partner is the most amazing person that I’ve ever met. She works hard and focuses on her goals. She learns from her mistakes and uses that knowledge to become even stronger. She’s more talented than she’ll admit and I love each and every moment that we spend together.

I love you, sweetheart. Always and forever. Thank you for making me stronger and sharing my journey with me.

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