
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ann Coulter Gets Pwned by Whoopi Goldberg

So, Ann Coulter still exists, and for some reason she has this bizarre notion that speaking is a good idea. She's even barfed up written a new book, Mugged, in which she spends more time spewing inaccurate facts and pointing fingers in the endless(ly stupid) war between "liberals" and "conservatives." If you want an idea of the book's premise, Coulter argues that civil rights "only belong to blacks" because the U.S. "has a legacy of slavery."

As you can probably imagine, it only took a few sentences to spark the ire of Whoopi Goldberg when she visited "The View" on Thursday. I had to applaud Whoopi when she asked Coulter, point-blank, what she knew about "being black." Coulter proceeds to get flustered and the lulz ensue.

Coulter has certainly made some bat-shit crazy interesting statements, lately. During a round table discussion on "This Week", she stated that civil rights are for blacks - not gays, Latinos, or women. So, what she's trying to say is that suffering and injustice are prerequisites for civil rights; something must be owed to one group by another. Even if we run with her bizarre definition of civil rights, it would seem that Coulter has a flimsy understanding of American history (in which immigrants have suffered various injustices) and almost no understanding of the daily struggles faced by and injustices inflicted upon other minority groups.

Seriously, can someone just advise this woman that speaking is not a good activity for her?

EDIT: I forgot to mention something else. It's interesting that Coulter believes Republicans to be more sympathetic towards "blacks." Because Republicans always treat them with respect.

Yep, nothing bad happened at the 2012 RNC.

Nothing at all.

Havoc T. Wolf Does Gangnam Style

Havoc T. Wolf happens to be the mascot for my alma mater, Loyola University New Orleans. Glad to see that the big, bad wolf has a sense of humor!

Also, Loyola > Tulane. Just sayin'.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Gangnam Style

So. This. This is apparently a thing, now.

All I can say is, I'd love to bust out with this at the local lesbian bar.

Friday, September 21, 2012

An Update on Northstar

Happily, Northstar appears to be recovering. Although Northstar had developed some infection, the doctors have been able to keep it under control. Northstar is now receiving specialized care at The Ohio State University. Thanks to a website created by Jess Lybrook, founder of the Erie Animal Network, strangers from around the world have been able to donate money towards Northstar's care. Approximately $10,000 has been gathered so far. If you were curious, transportation for Northstar's journey to The Ohio State University was also donated by Tim Girtin, a trainer at Presque Isle Downs & Casino in Erie, Pa.

Incredibly, Northstar seems to bear no ill will towards humans. In fact, his spirits seem to remain high despite the pain that he must be enduring.

If you would like to help Northstar, you can visit You can also donate to the "Donations for Northstar" account at any PNC Bank branch. Finally, if you have any information about this case, please contact the Pennsylvania State Police at (814) 663-2043 or toll-free at (800) 922-1975.

Apologies for the lack of a picture to accompany this post. However, if you'd like to see a video of a vet checking up on Northstar, you can do so here (WICU12 video).

Lindsay Lohan: Remember When...?

Remember, back in the day, when Lindsay Lohan wasn't crazy?

Yeah, I know, it's hard to remember that far back.

She showed so much promise as a young Disney star. Hell, I really enjoyed the remake of The Parent Trap. This girl seemingly had it all, despite her family's chaotic history. So why is she just throwing it all away these days?

Her latest escapade involves a hit-and-run in New York City. Ironically, this happened just days after Lohan tweeted her opinion of the Amanda Bynes situation. Karma, maybe?

It just bugs me to see these "stars" behaving badly. You know, some people spend their lives working hard for everything they have. They aren't paid millions for each job, either. If you're fortunate enough to be set for life, financially, then you ought to show a bit more class and behave more responsibly.

Some people's children...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Leaked Romney Videos

Seems like Mitt Romney just keeps running into obstacles... and by "obstacles" I mean his own damn stupidity. The latest drama involves leaked videos in which Romney dismisses Obama supporters as people who feel entitled to handouts. Look, I'm not an Obama supporter by any means, but this is just ridiculous. Generalizing an entire group of people as individuals who lack the ability to take personal responsibility for their lives is a weak, desperately low blow. It's also a blow that may have cost Romney even more votes, though, so in the end... I'm totally okay with it. Run your mouth all you want, douchebag... At this point, I'd gladly take Obama over you.

Oh, and of course, Romney is standing by his remarks. Not "elegantly stated?" Romney, hon... you never state your case in an eloquent manner. It's just embarrassing to listen to you speak. 
I think this may call for a blog that takes a closer look at "Obamacare." Just for the hell of it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Test That Predicts Autism?

Apparently, scientists in Australia have developed a genetic test to predict autism. Now, because I'm not an overly negative person, let me say this: I can see a positive side to this. If diagnosed early in life, intervention can greatly reduce the impact of behavioral and cognitive deficits on the child's life.

Of course, there's also the giant, glaring elephant in the room: the parents would have the option to abort a baby that is diagnosed with autism.

Naturally, there are people on both sides of the fence. Personally, I'm still ON the fence. My biggest concern is that tests like these will lead to the abortion of many babies with autism, simply because the parents don't want to put the time and effort into their child. Being diagnosed with autism does mean that the road will be more difficult, but it's not a death sentence. In fact, there are many who would view their autism as a blessing, a gift in disguise.

Either way, it's something to think about.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ellen Reads Fifty Shades of Grey

Don't you just hate it when life gets busy and you have so little time to blog and do FUN things? Yeah, me too. So, in the meantime, you can have a video! I have to say, I'd probably buy the book on tape if Ellen actually DID perform it. Hilarity.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Animal cruelty is a disgusting act committed by pathetic, cowardly individuals. A few days ago, I read about an act of cruelty that just made me feel terrible. A six-year-old horse named Northstar was intentionally doused with a flammable liquid and set on fire in PA. According to his owners, Northstar is like a family member; they have raised him since he was a baby and he has never done anything to cause harm to anyone. They're baffled as to who would target Northstar or why they would commit such a cruel, violent act.

Miraculously, Northstar is fighting to survive. His owner found him and responded to his cries- not the usual whinnies for a treat or some affection, but the cries of an animal in absolute agony. Northstar's face had been burned to the bone; his eyelashes, nostril hairs, and the hair in his ears was also gone.
Although a local veterinarian is treating Northstar with antibiotics and painkillers, he has only been given a 50-50 chance at survival. There is a chance that an infection could occur, which puts the odds somewhat against his favor. However, as you can see in the picture above, Northstar is standing. With horses, that tends to be a good sign. I'll continue to blog about Northstar whenever I can find an update.

What's even more upsetting about this incident is that Pennsylvania has some of the worst animal cruelty laws in the country. In PA, no matter how terrible the crime may be, there are no provisions for first time offenders for animal neglect or cruelty offenses. Additionally, veterinarians aren’t required to report animal cruelty. In fact, Pennsylvania's laws do very little to encourage the fight against animal cruelty: the state does not mandate counseling offenders nor do they require that animal shelters be reimbursed for the costs of feeding, housing, and caring for seized animals.

Now, if you're wondering about the absolute best/worst states as far as animal cruelty is concerned, it may interest you to know that Illinois has held the honor of having the best animal cruelty laws in the nation for the last four years. Kentucky is on the opposite end of that list, having the weakest animal protection laws in the nation. Hey, Turtleman, think you can do anything about that? Sounds like Kentucky's critters are in need of some live action!

If you want to help Northstar's family with the astronomical veterinary bills they've incurred, you can donate to the Northstar Fund in care of:

Marley Veterinary Clinic
11416 Hydetown Road
Titusville, PA 16354

You can also go to any PNC Bank and make a donation under "Donations for Northstar."

If you have any information regarding this crime, please call the Pennsylvania State Police at (814) 663-2043 or (800) 922-1975.