
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Assuming that the pre-authorization request is approved by Worker's Comp, I'll be having surgery to fix my tenosynovitis. This has been going on for awhile now, and nothing else we've tried has worked, so frankly I'm ready for surgery. It sounds like the surgery will be minimal, quick, and have a fast recovery time. I found a video of the surgery on YouTube, which you can see above. It's definitely not for the squeamish, but it's a really informative video. It's strange that something so small can cause such a great amount of pain. At least the solution is relatively simple: "release" the sheath around the tendon, thus giving the tendon more room to move around.

I really hope that Worker's Comp will approve the request. I've worked my ass off for the company, which has brought me to this point; the least they can do is fix the problem for me so that it doesn't inconvenience other areas of my life.

And now... we wait...

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